Monday, September 27, 2010

Starting Over...

I had a blog that I started and kept up for about a year and a half.  The only people that seemed to read it were family members or friends.  When you only have people you know reading your have to be careful of what you post as not to offend anyone.  Then you have the fact that everyone reads about your life everyday so they quit contacting you because they know everything that is going on.  I missed people reaching out and asking how I was doing or what the girls were up to. 

It has been about 1/2 a year without a blog and I find I miss it.  I miss writing down what my kids are doing, the funny stories, the beautiful pictures, etc.  So I'm going to try it again but this time not let anyone know about it.  If you stumbled across my are the type of reader I want.  I hope you enjoy what I have to say and hope you come back to see what we are doing from day-to-day. 

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