Friday, May 6, 2011

10 Survival Tools for Raising 2 Under 2

Though I no longer hold the proud title of mom of 2 under 2...I am proud to say I am survivor.  My oldest is 2 1/2 and my youngest 18 months.  That first year was insane but do-able.  I'm not saying things are crazy now...but they are a different crazy.  A crazy that involves 2 children that are much more self-sufficient which helps a lot with the everyday tasks involved with raising 2 little ones.

Now I used to blog back in the day and I shut that blog down shortly after having my second baby.  It was just to much to keep up with and I felt like I was disappointing followers by never updating it.  Anyway...I was looking back over some of my posts (I had them converted to a PDF so that I could always have them) and stumbled across this list of survival tools of raising 2 under 2.  So for those of you out there who find yourself being a mom of 2 little ones or a mom that is riddled with anxiety because she is soon be a mom of 2 under 2....hopefully this helps. 
This is a list of items that I would not have been able to function or live without and it goes in
order of least to most important.

10. Microwavable steam bags: This is one of those things that helps save time. If you are not familiar with this handy little bags and you have kids that are on should quick go out and get a pack. They are plastic bags that you put your dirty bottles in, add a little water, and put them in the microwave for a minute and 30 seconds. In this short time you have sanitized bottles and you don't have to go through that whole boiling process. Really is a time saver.

9. Formula: I support breastfeeding and I think that any woman that does it is amazing. I attempted it with my first child and after 4 months, slowly drying out, and eventually getting pregnant...I decided it wasn't for me. This time around I am going the formula route and it is definitely much easier in my eyes. is more expensive but if you save your money, spend wisely, and utilize coupons it is worth the costs. It allows you the freedom of letting other people help with feedings, if you are busy you can prop the bottle (even though this is not recommended it is sometimes necessary), baby gains weight a lot faster, more time between feedings, more convenient when going out in public, etc. Those are just a few of the reasons why formula works better for me. Has definitely made things a lot easier this time around.
8. Wii Fit: Again not a survival tool that everyone might want or even enjoy but it is one I enjoy and it is a way for me to release steam...if I can find a second or two. Being that I am just 7 weeks post c-section...I have only been able to work out for the last week. Having the freedom to move about freely and use muscles I haven't used in a long time is invigorating and actually gives me more energy. The Wii Fit allows me to stay at home as opposed to dragging the kids out to a gym daycare and exposing them to the seasonal bugs out there. I also have the freedom of stopping and starting a workout. If I need to tend to a baby I can always come back to the Wii Fit a little later...something I would not be able to do if I had only a gym membership. I cannot see myself running back and forth to the gym several times a day. Ugh.... The workouts are fun and challenging and I appreciate that they have incorporated many different ways to keep you motivated. Hope
it continues to be something that is fun and that the novelty of it doesn't wear off soon for me.

7. Sound Machine: I have one of these handy little compact machines in each of the girls rooms. They provide white noise and block out some of the noises in the house that would more than likely keep them awake. It works great for during nap time and best at night time. That way when the baby wakes at night crying for her feedings it doesn't wake Ava. Also...during the day when Stef is napping and Ava is playing and screaming it doesn't wake the baby. Great machine and if you are interested you can purchase them
through Wal Mart online.

6. SUV: Before purchasing an SUV I had a 4 door sports car. I only had Ava at the time but it was cramped. I had to put her rear facing car seat in the middle of the back row or 120 else we would have had to move our seat closer to the dash and it would have been uncomfortable. Therefore...when #2 came along there would not be enough room to have a rear facing and front facing car seat in the car. Also...I didn't have much trunk space...and there was no way I was going to be able to fit the massive double stroller in the trunk. So I traded in my cool car for an SUV. is not as suave...but it is the most practical, wonderful, and lifesaving purchase we have made to date. I am now able to fit the kids comfortably in the second row. I fold down the third row of seats and have plenty of room for my double stroller, umbrella stroller, and lots of groceries. The SUV has been the best thing ever...and I am so thankful that we were able to get one!!

5. Computer: This is a survival tool for several different reasons. For those of you that know me...know that I am a Google freak. I Google everything and anything. This has come in handy since having kids. If they look at me crooked...I go and Google it. If they have a mysterious bump, sneeze, make a weird sound, etc....I Google it. This might be a good thing...or it might not...but for me it is a necessary tool. I am worrier, a researcher, and a problem solver and Google helps me through it ALL!!!! Another reason the computer is handy is because it is a way for me to be able to communicate with the outside world. I am able to stay in touch with family and friends via email, social networking, and blogging.
4. "The Baby Whisperer": I cannot promote or push this book enough. I have mentioned it numerous times in other blogs and I will continue to mention it has been my "baby bible". The book written by Tracy Hogg has helped me through all the developmental stages of the babies thus far. It helps with sleep issues, eating issues, developmental stages, scheduling, etc. If you have a question on how you should do something with or for your baby or want to know why your baby does things a certain is in this book...and it is spot on!! If you are a parent...READ THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. Sleep: Believe it or not this is number three...not because I don't want it to be number one but because it is impossible for it to be number one. Why is it impossible??? Because until the baby stops getting up for night feedings and I actually get an adequate amount of sleep...then it will stay a little lower on the list since there are other tools that I need to get me through the extreme exhaustion. At first the baby was waking every 3 hours to feed...meaning I was only getting 2 hour "naps" at night. Being post operative, hormonal, tending to two babies all day, and doing the night feedings every night on my own....really started to wear on me. Finally the baby is able to make it 4-5 hours at night meaning I get 3-4 hours of sleep at a time and that extra hour or two in comparison to only 2 hours feels like a full nights sleep. I can only imagine how a full night would feel again. This is why I have put sleep as a survival tool...I know it is important...I know it would help me get through my days better...and believe me I cannot wait for the day that I can move this "tool" to my number one spot!!!

2. Loving and Supportive Friends and Family: I don't know what I would do without my parents who help out with the kids consistently and remain our only babysitters. Don't know what I would do without the support of my sister who was even able to come out from AZ to visit us. Where would I be without the calls, emails, and lunches out with friends?? All of these are important and help any mom keep there sanity. Without these people in my life I would have lost my mind long time ago. Thank you!!

1. Caffeine: Yes....ladies and gentleman...caffeine is number one on my survival list. I would not be able to function without it. I would not be able to go from day to day without it. I cannot imagine life without my caffeine right now. It is the very first thing I do in the morning and it is what gets me through my day. I drink coffee all morning and then move on to soda from there. I know this is not healthy but until sleep is something that can be achieved with some consistency...then this is what I have to do. This is a definite survival
technique for me right now...and I have found it works!!! this and reading it again sure does bring back a lot of memories.  What a year that was...but I would do it all over again if I had to.  I have the two most amazing little girls, who are just so close, and it is so fun to watch them together.  If you wear the title of "mom of 2 under 2"....wear it proud...know that things will get easier some day...and drink lots of caffeine!!!  Just so you know...some things never change...I continue to drink lots of caffeine now...maybe just not as much.   :-)

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