Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just a Housewife

Yup...that is me...just a housewife. In my "former" life I did social services for the U.S. Army...my official title...Relocation/Mobilization & Deployment Specialist/Army Emergency Relief Office. Yes...quite a mouthful and quite a fulfilling job. I was able to help soldiers and their families on a regular basis, play an important role in our current war, travel all over the U.S. to take part in conferences, work groups and focus groups. Ahhhh.....that was the life...but nothing beats the life I have now which is just a housewife. Now when people ask me what I do...there is not that sense of awe as when you tell them you work
for the Army and have a government job. However, there are a select few that can appreciate what being just a housewife is all about. At least as a government worker I had more time to get things done...yes....I am about to air my dirty little secrets...I didn't work diligently 8 hours behind my desk everyday...there were times of the day where I would go on a website and read the Hollywood gossip, I would pay a few bills on-line, I would do some Christmas shopping or just some personal shopping. There were days where I would run and do my errands during my lunch hour. Shoot...I would even head down to the gym...that was free...and work out for an hour. Oh and of course I worked my rear end off but I did find time to "play" as well. Well...being just a housewife there just doesn't seem to be that time. Yes...I am blogging right now and you ask how do I find the time to do that?? Well....I have decided to make the time. You can't constantly be tending to a child or doing housework...you have to take some "you time"...and that is what I am trying to do here. There are 2 hours during the afternoon where the girls takes a nap...and I have come to realize not every minute of nap times needs to be filled with trying to do the endless amount of laundry, cleaning the unending messes around the house, making baby food, paying the bills, etc. I have to find time to do something I enjoy once in awhile or I could lose my mind. With that said...let me get back to my original subject...being just a housewife. I read an article the other day that my mom presented me...and it was written by a wise woman named Mary who was a faithful reader of Dear Abby and here is what she had to say:
Here is my job description:
I am a wife, mother, friend, confidant, personal adviser, lover, referee, peacemaker,
housekeeper, laundress, chauffeur, interior decorator, gardener, painter, wall paperer,
dog groomer, veterinarian, manicurist, barber, seamstress, appointment manager,
financial planner, bookkeeper, money manager, personal secretary, teacher,
disciplinarian, entertainer, psychoanalyst, nurse, diagnostician, public relations expert,

dietitian and nutritionist, baker, chef, fashion coordinator and letter writer for both sides of
the family. I am also a travel agent, speech therapist, plumber, and automobile
maintenance and repair expert. During the course of my day, I am supposed to be
cheerful, look radiant and jump in the sack at a moments notice.
From studies done, it would cost more than $75,000 a year to replace me. I took time out
of my busy day to write this letter because there are still ignorant people who believe that
a housewife is nothing more than a baby sitter who sits on her behind all day and looks at
a soap operas.
If I could afford to pay someone to do all the things that I do, I would be delighted to go
back to working an eight-hour day with an hour for lunch and two 15-minute breaks.
What do I get out of my job in the absence of a salary? Joy, happiness, hugs, kisses,
smiles, love, self-respect, pride in knowing that I have done a full day's work to ensure
the physical and emotional well being of those I love.
Wow...couldn't have said it better myself. This woman summed up everything in a few
short paragraphs that I have been feeling and have wanted to get off my chest. So if you
are one of those that naively thought that a housewife is a glorified baby sitter watching
television....think again...it is anything but. I am going to get off my soap box now as I
hear my little one stirring from her nap....and I am going to go back to being just a
Until next time....

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