Monday, May 16, 2011

Drawing Near...

Today I pack all our bags for our stay at the hospital.  Ava goes in tomorrow morning to have a branchial cleft abnormality removed from her neck and a ganglion cyst removed from her wrist.  We are heading out tonight to the Danville area as her surgery is very early in the morning.  We are going to stay at a hotel tonight that is close to the hospital and make the most of our night before the surgery.  First we will take Ava out to eat, then maybe do a little shopping, and then take her back to the hotel where she can swim in the pool.  I want her to enjoy herself and have no worries.  I have tried explaining to her a few times what is about to happen in order to prepare her but how much does a 2 year old really understand??  I am anxious beyond belief when I am by myself and with my thoughts.   I have complete faith that God will bring us through this and she will do just fine.  However...I still feel anxious.  I will be glad when this is all over and she is on the road to a speedy recovery.  If you read this blog...please say a prayer for a our little girl. 

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