Thursday, May 12, 2011

EASY Lemon Cookies

Want a cookie that simply divine, melts in your mouth, and is super easy (and cheap) to make???  Well...then this is the cookie for you!!!! 

1 pkg lemon cake mix
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
1 tub of lemon frosting 

Yup...that is all it takes.  And if you do coupons you can usually get the cake mix/frosting really cheap! 

Now on to how to make it...

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease baking sheet.  Combine cake mix (dry), oil and eggs in large bowl with spoon until dough forms. 

Drop dough by teaspoonfuls onto prepared baking sheet.  Bake about 8 minutes, or until set.  Remove from baking sheet to wire rack.  Cool completely.  Frost. 

There you have just doesn't get any easier than that.  One word of warning want to watch these cookies closely and find the right time in which they take to cook.  In my oven they take exactly 8 minutes if I leave them in for even more than a minute they will be brown around the edges and brown on the bottoms.  So watch you don't let them brown at all around the edges and if they do just lower your time a bit until you get it just right!! 

Now it is time to eat them.....ENJOY!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sonya,
    I am thrilled with your lemon cookie.I will try this one.Thanks for sharing
