Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Making Time...

I sit here at my desk surrounded by more paperwork than I know what to do with or let alone know where to start on it. Transactions needed to be posted, bills need to be paid, paperwork needs to be filed, blah, blah, blah. Upstairs I have floors that need to be mopped, furniture that needs to be dusted, laundry that needs cleaned, cats that need fed, meals that need cooked, grocery lists that need to be made. It is just an
unending cycle of work...that no matter how much I get done there will always be something else to do. I work furiously every day to get as much done as I can. All the while Ava and Stef are growing by leaps and bounds....and even though I am here with them all day in and day out I feel like it is passing me by to quickly. When they are not napping or down for the night I need to spend more time just enjoying them and joining them in their play.  How lucky are we as adults to get the opportunity just to play again??  Very lucky...and I need to take advantage of it while the girls are little. I need to put down the mop, shut the laptop, push the paperwork aside, turn the TV off and enjoy more quality time with this little miracle that God has given me. So often I find myself hustling around doing stuff while she is awake and trying to get things done. Then
when they are down for their nap I continue trying to get more things done. Well where is the quality time with the girls in all of this??

I have made a pact to spend more time interacting with them and when I can get to that other stuff I will. That other stuff will always be there but babies are only little once and I want to enjoy it while I can. I don't want the monotonous chores of life to take that away from me. So with that said....I am signing off
and going to go play with girls and enjoy as much time as possible with them.

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