Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Abby Caddaby Tutu

I have my blogger page set up so I can see what postings are getting the most hits.  It seems like on a daily basis I am getting hits on my Abby Cadabby 1st Birthday Party.  If I look at stats a little closer it appears as though people are searching Abby Cadabby Tutu's and coming upon the posting.  All this to say...if you are interested in an Abby Cadabby Tutu...then you have come to the right spot.  I custom made my daughters for her birthday and I could have been more pleased.  Seeing that I was able to make them and they were so pretty, full, and colorful...I thought why not make them for others that were interested.  I set up an Etsy page in order to help sell my Tutu's.  My thing is I customize the orders. I make them according to your child's waist, height, and color of choice.  If you have an idea for a Tutu...I can make it.  So go ahead...check out my store now and order your very own Abby Caddy Tutu for your little one's party!!!!

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