Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bribery Works!

I recently started this venture of making hair accessories and tutu's...and am trying to sell them on Etsy.  I would be remiss if I did not plug my site at this moment... http://www.etsy.com/shop/2under2mom .  Anyway...once I make a headband, hair bow, whatever...I need to then take the pictures and post them online.  Of course I could just take pictures of the bow and post it...but that would be boring.  I think people like to see them on the kids to see what they will look like.  Well...lucky for me...I got 2 kids therefore I have 2 models..right?  WRONG.  Both hate wearing bows and both hate holding still for the camera so I can take a picture. 

Desperate times call for desperate measures....BRIBERY.  That is right folks...I bribed Ava into wearing the bow and into getting  her picture taken.  Take a look at how it all went down.  Oh and if you like the bow...you can find it at http://www.etsy.com/listing/76855669/pink-tulle-bow . 

Me:  "Ava can you pose so Mommy can take a pretty picture of the bow in your hair?" 
Ava:  "No" 

Me:  "I will give you a piece of candy if you let me take your picture" 
Ava:  "Where do I look?  In here?" 

Ava:  "I love candy" 

Ava:  "Oh man..candy makes me sooooo happy!!" 

Ava:  "I love bows and candy!!!" 

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